CREA Executive Committee Mtg.
CREA will meet Virtually, via Zoom for a monthly Executive Committee Meeting to approve minutes, accept financials, review legislative and other issues of importance to CREA members. Agenda will be posted shortly.
Link to join via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 836 9545 2221
Passcode: 382466
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CREA Executive Committee Meeting
Our upcoming Executive Committee meeting will be hosted by CREA’s Vice Chair, Councilman Steve Uffelman at Prineville City Hall: 387 NE 3rd St., Prineville, OR, 97754. We will meet to accept minutes, approve financials, and address any other business items.
This is a public meeting with a virtual attendance option available via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 894 8005 4943
Passcode: 401973
The agenda for this meeting will be posted the week of February 10, listing topics and any guest speakers.
If you’d like to attend this meeting in person, you may also reach out to Communications Director, Sonja Carey at to help us get a general headcount.
Executive Committee Meeting
The Executive Committee will meet to conduct monthly business, to include the acceptance of financials, the approval of minutes, the possible renewal of membership to chambers of commerce, and an update on CREA’s legislative agenda.
The meeting will also host guest speakers on topics of: Renewable Northwest and the County Intitiative, Solar Rulemaking Advisory Committee (RAC), and updates on issues of importance at the Oregon Public Utilities Committee (OPUC).
Please note that CREA will hold an Executive Session, Executive Session pursuant to ORS 192.660 (2)(a) to consider the employment of a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent. The meeting will not be open to the public at this time. No motions or actions shall be taken during the Executive Session.
The Executive Session will end at 12:45, at which point the meeting is open to public session.
CREA Executive Committee Meeting
CREA Executive Committee will meet via Zoom to conduct monthly, organizational business.
From 10:30 - 12:45, the Executive Committee alone with enter into Executive Session pursuant to ORS 192.660 (2)(a) to consider the employment of a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent. The meeting will not be open to the public at this time.
At 12:45, public meeting will resume for discussion and possible action concerning the contract applicants for CREA’s Executive Director position.
Please use the following Zoom info to join the public meeting portions.
Meeting ID: 817 6531 9627
Passcode: 036272
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CREA Annual Meeting @ AOC
CREA Annual Board Meeting:
with: Association or Oregon Counties Annual Conference
location: Graduate Eugene: 66 E 6th Ave, Eugene, OR 97401
Thornton Wilder Room, Floor 1
Zoom Link to Join:
Meeting ID: 865 7652 2446
Passcode: 730645
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CREA Members and interested County Commissioners are welcome to join in this pre-conference event.
Topics include:
State & county energy resilience, strategy, planning and development funding update by ODOE representatives.
Community benefits through clean energy projects (presented by Carol Loughlin of Cascade Renewable Transmission, NewSun Energy reps, and Dugan Marieb of Pine Gate Renewables)
Developer and Community perspectives on emerging energy and resilience technologies, touching on hydrogen fuels, carbon capture and wildfire mitigation. Input from David Brown of Obsidian Renewables and Shannon Souza of OCEAN.
Learn about Renewable Northwest’s County Initiative, hear from our Lobbyist Tess Milio re: most current legislative update. Possible phone in report from OPUC Commissioner Les Perkins.
CREA Members are invited to elect Executive Committee members to fill the seats coming into office, starting January 1, 2025.
CREA Executive Committee Meeting (Virtual)
Executive Board Agenda
Friday, September 13, 2024: 10:00am-1:00pm
Virtual Via Zoom
Meeting ID: 826 5134 7700
Passcode: 493219
Find your local number:
CREA’s Executive Committee will meet to discuss legislative updates and strategies, an update on solar siting, as well as review candidates and possibilities in our search for a new Executive Director of CREA, as our current Executive Director, Mike McArthur is phasing out of this position. We greatly appreciate all of the knowledge, connections and guidance that Executive Director McArthur has brought to our organization.
The role of Executive Director of CREA is a contract position. Salary is dependent upon negation between the ED and CREA’s Executive Committee. If you’d like to apply for this position, please download our Request for Proposal.
CREA is hoping to find a replacement for our current Executive Director by November, which would provide a smooth transition in time for our new ED to be introduced at our Annual Meeting, held in coincidence with Association of Oregon Counties’ Annual Conference in Eugene, Oregon in mid November.
CREA Executive Committee Mtg.
Executive Board Agenda
Friday, August 9, 2024: 10:00am-1:00pm
Burnet Bldg/OSU Extension at 66365 Lonerock Rd, Moro, OR
Virtual Via Zoom
Meeting ID: 844 4347 3310
Passcode: 665447
Introductions - CREA Chair, Judge Dabulskis
2. Mid-C Conference Review - Doug Frazier, David Brown, Mike McArthur
10:10am 3. Columbia River Treaty - Hub Adams (BPA)
10:30am 4. Transmission Overview - Sidney Villanueva
5. Legislative Report & Agenda - Tess Milio, Mike McArthur 11:30am
6. Solar Siting RAC Update - Mike McArthur
7. Business Meeting 12:15pm
(the Business Meeting will include: Minutes of July, 2024, Financials through
July, Contractual Services Announcement, Sunstone Letter of Support,
Confirmation of Gilliam Co. Board Member)
8. Public Comment - CREA Chair, Judge Dabulskis 12:20pm
Working Lunch (furnished)
9. Adjourn - Chair Judge Dabulskis
Next Meeting: September 13, 2024, Virtual via Zoom.
Joint Meeting: Columbia Gorge Bi-State Regional Energy Zone (CGBREZ) & CREA
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 873 4433 3836
Passcode: 157448
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CREA Exec Committee Mtg.
Friday, June 14, 2024: 10:00am-12:29pm
Executive Session: 12:30-1pm ORS 192.660 (2)(a)
Meeting ID: 872 2429 8381
Passcode: 660638
CREA Executive committee Mtg.
The Executive Committee will meet at the Gronquist Bldg. (upper level) 1665 Railroad Avenue; Arlington, OR.
The meeting will also be broadcast via Zoom.
Link to join:
Meeting ID: 818 1235 1317
Passcode: 453430
CREA’s Meetings are open to the public and hold space for public comment.
CREA Exec Committee Mtg.
The Executive Committee will meet virtually via Zoom
Meeting ID: 896 2867 7652: Passcode: 198240
Please note: The Executive Committee shall enter into Executive Session pursuant to ORS 192.660 (a,c,g,h,i) from 12:10pm - 1:00pm for the purpose of consulting with legal counsel. The meeting will not be open to the public at this time. The Executive Committee shall not return to public meeting for the purpose of taking action. No motions or actions shall be taken during the Executive Session. Public meeting segment from 10:00am - 1:00pm will be for approval and acceptance of minutes and financials, updates from our member counties re: small scale renewable energy, and informational presentations from guest speakers.
Please see Meeting Materials Page for our Agenda + all other materials.
CREA Exec Committee Mtg.
Virtual Meeting via Zoom
link to join:
Meeting ID: 845 2040 6399
Passcode: 914618
1. Call to Order/Open Agenda - CREA Executive Chair, Judge Dabulskis
- Roll Call/Introductions/Time set aside for issues not presented on the agenda
- Designation of voting members & alternates
2. Consent Agenda – Chair Dabulskis 10:05am
- Approve Minutes: February 9, 2024
- Accept Financials for February, 2024
3. Business Meeting 10:10am
- Local Activities Reports - All Members
- 2023 BPA Cluster study -Executive Director McArthur
- UM 2166/ LC 80 - Executive Director McArthur
- OWRC Affiliate Dues- ED McArthur
4. DLCD Solar Siting RAC Preview - Adam Tate/Jon Jinnings DLCD 11:30am
5. OPUC Activities - Greg Adams 12:00pm
6. Public Comment - Chair Dabulskis 12:55pm
7. Adjourn - Chair Dabulskis 1:00pm
Please go to Meeting Materials page for more materials.
Executive Committee Meeting
CREA Executive Committee will host a hybrid meeting, broadcast via Zoom from the following live venue.
Mid-Columbia Economic Development District; Boardroom
802 Chenowith Loop Rd., The Dalles, Oregon. 97058. The meeting is also available via Zoom. If you would like to attend this meeting in person, we encourage you reply to with your intent to attend. Space is limited, and we wan’t to be prepared to accommodate all who are interested.
Zoom Link to JOIN:
Meeting ID: 833 6276 6760
Passcode: 234582
Please see the Meeting Materials page for Agenda. Meeting materials will be posted to the page as they are gathered by our presenters and staff in preparation for the meeting. All materials will be posted at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.
To receive email notices for all upcoming Executive Committee meetings, please email Our meetings are open to the public, and we encourage our members are others interested in learning about or supporting small scale renewable energy projects within Oregon to attend.
Executive Committee Meeting
The Executive Committee will meet for ongoing business of the organization, as well as host presentations on biomass, hydrogen, the 2024 Legislative Session and mitigation guidelines of Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife. The meeting is open to the public and those interested are encouraged to attend.
This meeting will be held virtually.
Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 833 7016 7353
Passcode: 236455
CREA Exec Committee Mtg.
The Executive Committee will meet via Zoom to discuss ongoing business of the organization and host presentations and discussions led by the Oregon Rural Electric Coop Association, Rye Development, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, and Representative Pam Marsh.
Please note, our organization will meet in Executive Session from 12:30 - 1:00pm, pursuant to ORS 192.660(2)(g)(h) to consult with legal counsel. The Executive Committee will make no motions during this session and will not return to open session for the purpose of making any motions or taking any actions.
CREA Annual Meeting
Annual Meeting Agenda
Friday, November 14, 2023: 10am-12:45pm
Wilder Room - Graduate Eugene, 66 E 6th Ave, Eugene, OR
Meeting ID: 880 1049 6786
Passcode: 689003
Find your local number:
1. Call to Order/Introductions - CREA Executive Chair, Les Perkins 10:00am
- Roll Call/Introductions/Time set aside for issues not presented on the agenda
2. Comments from Chair and Board Members 10:10am
3. Business Meeting - Executive Director Mike McArthur 10:20am
- Approve Minutes of Annual Meeting, Nov. 15, 2022
- Accept Financials
- Executive Committee Elections
- Amendments to Bylaws 4. Oregon Dept. of Energy Presentation - Christy Splitt, Sarah Moerke 10:30am
5. Energy Trust of Oregon - Caryn Appler 11:15am
6. Offshore Wind - Melissa Cribbins (Coos County) 12:00pm
7. Public Comment - Chair Perkins 12:30pm 8. Lunch 12:30pm
9. Adjourn - Chair Perkins 12:35pm
Executive Committee Mtg.
This is a virtual meeting via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 870 4742 2136
Passcode: 396563
From 12:10 - 1:00pm, the Executive Committee will enter into Executive Session pursuant to ORS 192.660(2)(h)(a) to consult with legal counsel. This portion of the meeting is not open to the public. The Executive Committee will make no motions during this session and will not return to open session for the purpose of making any motions or taking any actions.
CREA Exec Committee Mtg.
This meeting will take place via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 88599281045
Passcode: 008394
From 12:20 - 1:00pm, the Executive Committee will enter into Executive Session pursuant to ORS 192.660(2)(a) to consult with legal counsel. This portion of the meeting is not open to the public. The Executive Committee will make no motions during this session and will not return to open session for the purpose of making any motions or taking any actions.
Strategic Planning Session
This will be a hybrid meeting. The physical location is Sherman County Extension Service. 66365 Lonerock Rd, Moro, OR 97039
Also broadcast live via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 879 3417 2519
Passcode: 836987
The Strategic Planning Session helps CREA look ahead at the coming fiscal year and select possible focus, with an emphasis on supporting a favorable environment for small scale renewable energy projects and community based resiliency programs.
CREA Exec Committee Mtg.
This meeting is vital and open to public attendance.
Zoom Link to Join:
Meeting ID: 872 3897 5105
Passcode: 177366
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